Section 4(a)(1) Exemption

…common exemption relied upon is Section 4(**[a)(1) and the Rule 144 safe harbor under Section 4(**[a)(1). Section 4(**[a)(1) provides **[an exemption **[for]** **[a transaction “by **[a person other than **[an

NASDAQ Requirements and Corporate Governance Standards

…members. In **[addition, there **[are **[additional independence test **[for]** compensation committee members. The compensation committee must determine, or recommend **[to the full board **[for]** determination, the compensation of the chief…

Section 13 Exchange Act

…of beneficial ownership, and plans or proposals regarding the issuer. The term “beneficial owner” is defined **[to include “**[any person who, directly or indirectly, through **[any contract, **[arrangement, understanding, relationship

Securities Law Blogs

…Securities Law Blog is **[an Essential Resource **[for]** OTC Issuers, SEC **[Attorneys, Broker Dealers, Transfer **[Agents, Small and Mid-Cap Public Companies, Deal Makers, and **[All Other OTC Market Professionals.

Pink Sheet OTC Markets

…**[Today I **[am continuing my discussion on the OTC Pink marketplace and quotation criteri**[a. The OTC Pink, which includes the highest-risk, highly speculative securities, is further divided in**[to three

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and **[all questions regarding Securities Law, Securities Law Firms, Securities **[Attorneys and   Be sure **[to visit, the OTC industry’s primary source **[for]** news and regulatory developments.

Pink Sheet Attorneys

…**[a one-time set-up fee of $500. Because of the **[aforementioned criteri**[a, details determine diligence, and it is highly **[advisable **[for]** Issuers **[to retain **[an OTC securities **[attorney or **[a small-cap


…the essential resource **[for]** small and emerging growth companies, investment bankers and broker dealers, **[attorneys, **[accountants and independent **[auditors, transfer **[agents, and virtually everyone interested in the small-cap and lower