Direct Public Offerings

…future plans and the costs and intended source of financing **[for]** those plans. **[An Issuer cannot simply state that it plans **[to open 10 new locations, but instead would be

Going Public

…is in excess of two years delinquent in its reporting requirements and cannot reasonably **[obtain the records necessary **[to complete its **[audits **[for]** those years beyond the two-year period. SEC

OTC Markets Compliance

…stock **[as of the close of business on each of the 30 consecutive calendar days immediately preceding the Company’s **[application **[for]** OTCQX; and Be subject **[to the reporting requirements of

OTC Market Compliance

…days immediately preceding the Company’s **[application **[for]** OTCQX; and Be subject **[to the reporting requirements of the Exchange **[Act. Designated **[Advisors **[for]** Disclosure (“DAD”)/Principal **[American Liaison (“PAL”) **[All U.S. companies

Penny Stock Rules

examples below); Requests received from FINR**[A **[for]** information relating **[to certain issuers and the broker-dealers’ customer **[accounts; Certain types of issuer information, such **[as nominal **[assets and low operating revenue,

OTCQX Listing Qualifications For International Issuers

…calendar days immediately preceding the Company’s **[application **[for]** OTCQX; and Be subject **[to the reporting requirements of the Exchange **[Act. Designated **[Advisors **[for]** Disclosure (“DAD”)/Principal **[American Liaison (“PAL”) **[All U.S.

OTC Markets Listing Requirements

…on each of the 5 consecutive trading days immediately preceding the Company’s **[application **[for]** OTCQX, **[after the reverse split; Conduct **[annual shareholders’ meetings and submit **[annual financial reports **[to its

Reverse Mergers

…seller **[also represents and warrants its legal **[ability **[to enter in**[to the **[agreement. Covenants – Covenants generally govern the parties’ **[actions **[for]** **[a period prior **[to and following closing. **[An

Filing A Form S-1

…the bulk of narrative discussion in **[a registration statement and is **[arguably the most important portion of the registration statement **[for]** investors **[to understand the Issuer and its management plans.

Form S-1 Filing

…the bulk of narrative discussion in **[a registration statement and is **[arguably the most important portion of the registration statement **[for]** investors **[to understand the Issuer and its management plans.